Leela Kumari Balivada

Dr.Leela Kumari Balivada

associate professor & head
Department:Electronics and Communication Engineering
Date of Birth:20/08/1980
Date of Joining:22/01/2013
Subjects Taught:1.Probability theory and stochastic processes
2. Switching theory and logic design
3. Pulse and digital circuits
4. Electronic measurements and instrumentation
5. Basic Electronics
6. Electronic devices and circuits
7.Signals and Systems
8. Linear and Digital ICs
9. Operating systems
10.Computer Architecture
11. Linear IC applications
12. Principles of communications
13. Analog communications
14. Digital communications
15.Tele communications and switching Networks
16.Computer Networks
17.Digital IC Applications
18.Wirelesscommunicationsand networks
19.Digital Signal processing
20.Cellular Mobile Communications
21.Control systems
22.Advanced Computer system Architecture
23.Advanced Computer Networks
24.Advanced Wireless Communications and Networks
25.Advanced Digital Signal Processing
26.Coding Theory and Practices
27.Information theory and coding techniques
28.System Modeling and Simulation.
29.Adaptive signal Processing
30.Digital Data Communications
31.Embedded System Design
32.Network Analysyis
33.Data Acquisition Systems
34.Communications and Signal Processing (PH.D)
Research Area:Communications and Signal Processing
Teaching Experience:20 Years
Research Experience:12 Years
Industry/Professional Experience:
Google Scholar link:
Staff Image

1.Azmeera Srinivas,V. V. K. D. V. Prasad, B. Leela Kumari, “ Fuzzy Cuckoo search Optimization Clustering from Mammogram Images”,Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering(SCI) ,Elsevier, Volume 103, October 2022, 108343.(Accepted)
2.V. RatnaKumari , P. Rajesh Kumar , B. Leela Kumari, “Design and Implementation of Real time EarRecognition System using DM6437”, journal of NeuroQuantology, Volume 20, Issue 5 , Page 4359-4366 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.5. May 2022 ,(Scopus Indexed).
3. Sannihitha Peetala and Dr. B Leela kumari, “DETECTION OF LEUKEMIA &ITS STAGING USING IMAGE PROCESSING; ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”,International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ,Volume 9, Issue 3 (II) July - September 2022 139-151.
4.Madireddy Veera Lakshmi and Dr. B Leela kumari, “Under Water Wireless Sensor Networks ”,International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ,Volume 9, Issue 3 (II) July - September 2022 326-331-151.
5.Sai Veera Krishna Kola, Leela Kumari Balivada, “Image Compression Based On Adaptive Prediction And Block-Based Entropy Coding For Medical Image Sequences”, IJCRT ,Volume 10, Issue 8 August 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882,pp:659-666.
6.Srikanth G, Leela Kumari. B “Detection of Covid-19 Infection Using LTSM-CNN Technique” journal of Design Engineering , Vol 2021, Issue 09, pp-13834-12850, Dec 2021 (Scopus Indexed).
7.Surya Kanthi Neelamsetty , Leela Kumari Balivada, “Performance Analysis of Voltage to Time Converter Circuits for TDC Applications “, journal of High Technology Letters, Vol 27, Issue 12, pp-687-691,2021(Scopus Indexed).
8.Devi Guggilapu , Leela kumari Balivada, , “Phase Congruency based Finger Knuckle Print Recognition Using Gabor Extraction & Classifier ”, journal of High Technology Letters, Vol 2021, Issue 12, pp-745-749-,2021(issn:1006-6748) (Scopus Indexed).
9.Leela kumari Balivada, Devi Guggilapu, “Swarm Optimized Finger Knuckle Print Recognition Using Gabor Extraction & Classifier ”, journal of Design Engineering, Vol12, Issue 9, pp-12528-12534-,2021(issn:0011-9342)(Scopus Indexed).
10.Azmeera Srinivas1,V. V. K. D. V. Prasad, B. Leela Kumari, “ Level set segmentation of mammogram images using adaptive cuckoo K‑means clustering”,Journal of Applied Nanoscience(SCI) ,Springer ,Feb 2022.
11.T V N L Aswini, Padma Raju. K, Leela Kumari .B , “ Subsampled circulant matrix based wideband spectrum sensing using fusion based recovery algorithm”, Traitement du Signal, 2021, 38(4), pp. 1201–1208(SCI).
12.Matta Navin Rao, Leela Kumari.B, “A Scalable Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator Unit On FPGA For Object Detection”,Journal of Education: Rabindrabharati University ISSN : 0972-7175 Vol. : XXIII, No:9(II), 2021 pp:98-105. (UGC Care I)
13.Varanasi sri Lakshmi Pranavi, Dr.B. Leelakumari ,” Segmentation Of Liver Tumor In Image Data With The Deep Convolution Neural Networks Of Dice Pixel Classifier Model”, Journal of High Technology Letters, ISSN: 1006-6748, Volume-27 Issue: 2,pp-97-106, Feb 2021.(Scopus Indexed), IF:2.7, https://doi.org/10.37896/HTL27.2/2709
14..Varanasi sri Lakshmi Pranavi, Dr.B. Leelakumari ,” Segmentation Of Liver Tumor In 3d Portal Enhanced CT Image Data With The Deep Convolution Neural Networks”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN: 1006-6748, Volume-27 Issue-2,pp-139-146, Feb 2021. (Scopus Indexed), IF:6.2 

15.Varanasi sri Lakshmi Pranavi, Dr.B. Leelakumari ,” Lung Tumor Segmentation Using Computed Tomography (Ct) Images”, Journal of High Technology Letters, ISSN: 0022-1945, Volume-13 Issue 1,pp-1090-1094, Jan 2021. UGC Care Group-II,Serial No: 21259
16. VNV Rajesh, Dr.B. Leelakumari , “Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Networks”, Journal of High Technology Letters, ISSN: 1006-6748, Volume-27 Issue-2,pp-243-254, Feb 2021. (Scopus Indexed), IF:2.7
17.VNV Rajesh, Dr.B. Leelakumari , “Automatic Number Plate Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Networks”, The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN NO:0886-9367,Volume XIII, Issue I, January/2021, UGC Care Group-II,Serial No:21259
18.CVP.Pranati, B. Leela Kumari “Design and Implementation of corporate fed two element Antennae Array using Miters”” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4 , PP 285-290, Feb,,2020.
19.Mypada Ramana and B. LeelaKumari, “Performance Analysis of  Unscented Kalman Filter using PSO for passive Tracking Applications” IJFRCSC, ISSN NO: 2454-4248,VOL.3,Issue:8, pp:154-158.
20.T V N L Aswini, Padma Raju. K, Leela Kumari. B Improved Recovery in Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Wireless Applications International Journal on Emerging Technologies (IJET)ISSN: 2249-3255, Volume-11 Issue-3,pp-448-453, April 2020.(SCI)
21.Nagula Srinivas, B. Leela Kumari “Implementation of an Efficient Channel Model
for 5G mm-Wave Bands” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, , PP 1674-78, October 2019.(Scopus Indexed)
22.T V N L Aswini, Padma Raju. K, Leela Kumari. B energy Detection based spectrumsensing for Cognitive Radios”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3,pp-8436-8440 September 2019(Scopus Indexed).
23.NVSS Ramya Jyothi,Dr.B.LeelaKumari,“ Optimization of cooperative models in cognitive networks using Genetic Alogorithm”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, PP-323-330,September 2019.
24.Deepika.K,Leela Kumari.B “Performance Assessment of Carcinoma With Segmentation Techniques By Statistical Analysis “Journal of Science and Technology ISSN:2456-5660 Volume 4, Issue 5, PP 08-18Sep-October 2019.
25.Deepika.K,Leela Kumari.B “Assessment of Breast Cancer Detection and
Implementation”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, PP-323-330,September 2019.
26.Deepika.K,Leela Kumari.B “Implementation and detection of carcinoma in statistical approach using various segmentation techniques  doi:16.10090. ijsrr.2019. 7i09.287391.437 1IJSRR(UGC Approved) (page: 225-237)
ISSN NO: 2279-543XAug 2019
27.Anusha.K,Leela Kumari.B “Implementation of Spectrum Sensing for Maximum Throughput & Better Probability ofDetection using Energy Detector”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) (Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, PP-3332-3340August 2019.
28.NVSS Ramya Jyothi,Dr.B.LeelaKumari,“Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network Using Enhanced Stimulated Annealing Algorithm”,Journal of Science and Technology ISSN:i2456-5660iVolumei4,iIssuei5,iSep-Octoberi2019,PP:01-16.
29.Bala sri Satakarni, ,Leela Kumari.B “Spectrogram Enhanced Pitch Period Tracking
using MWSG Filter in Noisy Environments”International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)(Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, pp-5426-5428
July 2019
30.T V N L Aswini, B. LeelaKumari, K. Padma Raju “Compressive Data Acquisition And Reconstruction Of Rf Signals At Lower Rates Under Labview Environment” Journal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems Vol. 9. Sp– 12 / 2017 PP-2168-2182, Dec 2017.(Scopus Indexed).
31.Teja Sri,,B. LeelaKumari “ Performance Analysis of Fuzzi based Compressive Sparcity order estimation for cognitive Radio Receiver” International Journal of Advance engineering and research development(IJAERD), Nov 2017
32.Hari Charan, B.Leela Kumari , “Performance Analysis of 16-Bit Sign Extension, Baugh Woolwy and Modified Baugh Wooley in ANT Architeture” , International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET),Indexed and has Thomoson routers ID, Volume 7 Issue 4 December 2016 360 ISSN: 2319 – 1058,pp-360-366,Dec 2016.
33.HK Motamarri, B.Leela Kumari,”On-Chip Generation of Functional Tests with Reduced Delay and Power, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology”, (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)Vol. 5, Issue 12, December2016, DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET. ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753,ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710.pp-21388-21398, Impact Factor : 6.209,Dec 2016
34.V.Hari Charan, B.Leela Kumari Ïmplementation and Analysys of Sign Extension and Baughwooley Multiplier in ANT Architecture, International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE), Vol 3, Issue 10, October 2016, ISSN (Online) 2394-6849. Impact Factor : 2.471,Nov 2016
35.N. Kavya Sri, B. LeelaKumari, K. Swetha, “High Speed Wide Fan-In Data Selector Using Current Comparison Domino In Synopsys HSPICE”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), ISSN: 2277-9655 , Volume 4, Issue No.12, pp 381-390, Dec 2015, IF:3.785.
36.S. Ahmadunnisa, B. LeelaKumari, K. Padma Raju, “Design of Multi Master Bus Controller”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) ISSN: 2278 – 7798, Volume 4, Issue No. 12, pp 4128-4131, Dec 2015, IF:3.59.
37.B. LeelaKumari, K. GeetikaPraneeta, K. Padma Raju “A Novel Approach Of Particle Filtering For improving Accuracy And Reducing Computational complexity”, International Journal of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (IJEETC) ISSN: 2319-2518,Volume 1, Issue No.3, pp ,Nov 2015, IF: 0.384.
38.V.Govindu, B. LeelaKumari, ParthrajTripati, “Comparison of low rate speech transcoders in electronic warfare situations:AMBE-3000 to G.711,G.726,CVSD”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ISSN: 0975 – 8887 , Volume 128, Issue No.8, pp 20-25, Oct 2015, IF: 3.12
39.K. Surendra, B. LeelaKumari, “Performance comparison of PID and FLC Controller for Submarine depth control using Lab View”, International Journal of Science and Research(IJSR) ISSN:2319-7064, Volume 3, Issue No.12, pp 165-168, Dec 2014, IF: 3.358.
40.TanujaSabbe and B. LeelaKumari, “SWT based Saliency Detection Using Low Level Multi Scale Image Features” International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) ISSN: 2278-7798, Volume 3, Issue No. 11, pp 2992-2997, Nov 2014, IF: 3.462.
41.Bodduluri Asha and B. LeelaKumari, “MMSE Denoising of 2-D Signals Using Consistent Cycle Spinning Algorithm” International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) ISSN: 2278-7798, Volume 3, Issue No. 11,pp 3096-3100, Nov 2014, IF: 3.462
42.K. Ashok Varma and B. LeelaKumari ,“Design of High performance FFT Algorithm in OFDM Communication System”, International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research(IJAIR) ISSN: 2278-7844, Volume 2, Issue No.11, pp 735-739,Dec 2013,IF: 0.349
43.Krishna Kumar Gupta and B. LeelaKumari,” Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code over Rayleigh Fading Channels for various Modulation Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Applications ISSN: 0975-8887,Volume 77, Issue No.6,pp 24-28,Sep 2013, IF: 0.8.
44.K. Sowjanya and B. LeelaKumari, “Design And Performance Analysis Of 32 And 64 Point FFT Using Multiple Radix Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ISSN: 0975-8887, Volume 78, Issue No.1,pp 25-29, Sep 2013,IF: 0.8.
45.K. Sowjanya and B. LeelaKumari ,“Design and Performance Analysis of 32-bit and 64-bit FFT Using Radix-2 Algorithm”, International Research and Journals IRAJ ,pp 55-58, July 2013.
46.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Performance Analysis of Particle filter for Launch vehicle Trajectory”, IETEJournal of Education ISSN: 0970-1664 , Volume 54, Issue No.2,pp 83-91, July-Dec 2013, IF: 0.189.
47.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Performance Evaluation of Unscented Kalman Filter for Gaussian /Non-Gaussian Tracking Application”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)ISSN 2088-8708, Volume 3, Issue No. 1, pp. 93-101, Feb 2013, IF:
48.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Extended Kalman filter application for Launch vehicle Trajectory”, Journal of Control & Instrumentation ISSN 2229-6972 , STM Journals,Volume 2, Issue No.3,pp 1-9,Dec 2012, IF:
49.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Application of IMM filters for tracking applications”, accepted for publication in the special edition of MERI journal of IT and Management, 2012.
50.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Performance Analysis of  Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter for Bearing-Only passive Target Tracking” Selected for the journal if IJEST with manuscript ID IJEST12-04-08-135.
51.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Performance analysis of extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter for Doppler bearing passive target tracking”,International Journal of Power Control Signal and Computation(IJPCSC) ISSN: 0976-268X , Volume 4, Issue No.2, pp.157- 164, April - June 2012, IF: 0.542.
52.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Application of Unscented Kalman filter for Sonar Signal Processing “,International Journal of Research in computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET) ISSN:2278-1323 ,Volume 1,Issue No.4,pp. 109-114 ,June 2012, IF:0.654 .
53.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Analysis of Linear/nonlinear models using State estimation algorithms for tracking applications”-A Review” International journal of Science & Advanced Technology(IJSAT) ISSN: 2221-8386 ,Volume 1,Issue No. 9,pp.41-48 ,Nov 2011,IF: 2.
54.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Application of Extended Kalman filter for a Free Falling body towards Earth”, International Journal of advanced Computer Sciences and Applications ISSN: 2156-5570, Volume 2, Issue No.4, pp. 80-84,April 2011, IF: 1.187.
55.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Application of Particle Filter for a Free Falling Body towards Earth “International Journal of advanced Engineering and Applications, University of Genoa, ITALY, pp. 195-199 Jan 2011, IF: 0.9.

Workshops/Courses Attended:1.A One week teacher Orientation Program for 21st century Education in tune with NEP-2020 organized by JNTUK during 1-8-22 to 6-8-22
2.Microsoft Azure AI fundamentals organized by JNTUK and Microsoft in association with APSCHE during 6-5-022
3.Application development Without coding organized by University of Emerging Technologies Global Emerging Tech Summit 21during 02-05-2021
4.Understanding digital Transformaton organized by University of Emerging Technologies Global Emerging Tech Summit 21 during 01-05-2021
5.Time synchronization of networked IOTdevices:Techniques,issues and applications organized by IEEE information Theory society(ITS) Banglore chapter during 28-04-2021
6.Flight to Amazon Web services cloud organized by University of Emerging Technologies during 24-04-2021
7.Challenges in Cybersecurity organized by University of Emerging Technologies Global Emerging Tech Summit 21 during 18-04-2021
8.Introduction to cyber security a physical level organized by IEEE Mysore subsection during 16-04-2021
9.Cognitive Buildings organized by IEEE Mysore subsection in association with IEEE Bangalore section and IEEE Information society Bangalore chapter during 15-04-2021
10.A one week online STTP on Advanced Vibrations -various engineering applications with Hands-on sessions organized by JNTUK/AICTE Sponsored during 8-13 Feb 2021
11.Intellectual Property rights and patent Process organized by IQAC of KCES COE Jalgoan in Association with Rajiv Gandhi National institution of Intellectual Property Management, Nagapur during 2-2-2021
12.15 day online FDP on Data science and its applications in STEM organized by AU and UCEV,JNTUK in association with APCHE during 7-9-2020 to 21-09-2020
13.One week AICTE sponsored online STTP on Antenna design and Analysys using Mathematical solvers organized by AITAM,Tekkli during 7-9-2020 to 12-09-2020
14.One week national level online FDP on Recent advances in Communications and signal Processing organized by UCEV,JNTUK during 24th – 29th August 2020
15.5 day webinar series on Research and Innovation organized by VVCE, Mysore during
7th -21st August 2020
16.15 days online workshop on Application of Data science for industries problem through Python organized by JNTUK,Excelr during10th -28th August 2020
17.One week national level online FDP on An academic perspective on Research organized by SRKR Engineering College during 3-7, August 2020
18.Webinar on Non orthogonal multiple access Fundamentals and Academic industry perspectives RISE Krishna Sai Prakasam Group of Institutions during 8-8-2020
19.One week online work shop on Blended E learning organized by UCEV,JNTUK during6-7-2020 to 10-7-2020
20.IETE Knowledge sharing session(KSS)-22,Webinar41 on Artificial Intelligence and 5G organized by IETE Hyderabad center during11-04-2021
21.Various research opportunities in Electronics and communications Engineering organized by RISE Krishna Sai Prakasam group of Institutions during 01-07-2020 to 03-07-2020
21.E-Learning program on Instrument and control System organized by Tata Steel, Capability development during Completed on 24-05-2020
22.Drafting a patent application and procedure for filling an Indian patent organized by Vignan Pharmacy college, Vadlamudi,Guntur during 10-05-2020
23.5 day online FDP on Universal Human values and Ethics organized by Chebrolu Engineering College during 13-17 May 2020
24.Online tools and software for remote teaching and learning organized by UGC,HRDC,JNTUH during 24-25 April 2020
25.Digital Communication and information theory(11 hours) organized by Udemy during 1-12 April 2020
26.A Two week FDP on High Voltage Engineering organized by JNTUK/ AICTE during 30 Dec 2019-11 Jan 2020
27.A Three week Summer Course on Research Methodologies organized by JNTUK during 1-17 May 2019
28.One day FDP on IQAC JNTUK during 11th Nov 2019
29.Three day FDP on OBE organized by UCEK during 31 oct 2019 to 2nd Nov 2019
30.One day FDP on Geo technical engineering organized by UCEK during 29 oct 2019 2019
31.Three day FDP on Advances in Electromechanical Systems organized by UCEK in collaboration with CET Bhubaneswar at CET during 29-31 August 2019
32.One week FDP on Advancements in Manufacturing and Welding organized by
UCEK,JNTUK during 17th June 2019 to 22nd june 2019
33.A Two week FDP on Accoustics,Noise and Vibrations control and measurements in various engineering applications organized by UCEK, JNTUK during 4th June-15th June 2019
34.A Three week Refresher Course on Research Methodologies organized by Research and Development, JNTUK, Kakinada. During 1-05-2019 to 17-05-2019
35.A Three week Refresher Course on Environmental Sciences organized by
ASC-HRDC,AU,Visakhapatnam during 11-3-19 to 31-03-19
36.One week FDP on Recent trends in Communication Engineering(LabView,FEKO &Xilinx) organized by UCEK,JNTUK during 4h Feb -9th Feb 2019
37.One week FDP on Noise and Vibration Control of Structures:Engineering Applications organized by UCEK,JNTUK during 26th Nov -1st Dec 2018
38.One week Workshop on ANSYS Software and its applications organized by UCEK,JNTUK during 12th -17th Nov 2018
39.One week Training Program on Improving Teaching skills on Network Analysis JNTUK during 29oct-2nd Nov 2018
40.Seminar on emerging trends in Ground Improvement techniques organized by JNTUK during 10-08-2018
41.One week Workshop on ETABS Software organized by UCEK,JNTUK during 19-24 July 2018
43. One week Training Program on Pytrhon Programming organized by ECE Dept.UCEK,JNTUK 6-11 July 2018
44. One week FDP on CNC and Robotics programming in manufacturing industries organized by UCEK,JNTUK during 2-7 July 2018
45. One week FDP on Improving teaching skills in Electronic devices and Circuits organized by JNTUK during 27-31 March 2018
46.A One week FDP on Teaching skills in Computer Programming organized by UCEK, JNTUK during 29th Jan-2nd Feb 2018
47.A One week FDP on Internet of Things organized by UCEK, JNTUK during 22-27 Jan 2018
48.Two day national workshop on Learning management Systems and Ed-Tech Tools(WLMSET-2017) organized by JNTUK during 22-23 Dec 2017
49. A Two week FDP on Contemporary advances in Materials & Manufacturing Engineering ( CAMME-2017) organized by UCEK, JNTUK during 30th Oct-10th Nov 2017
50. Two day workshop on Advances in Electronics and Communications Engineering organized by Dept of ECE.UCEK,JNTUK during 26-27 August 2018
51. One day workshop on Empowering Teaching excellence through E-learning platforms JNTUK during 8th July 2017
51.One day workshop on Recent advancements in Mechanical Engineering organized by
JNTUK during 30th June 2017
52.A Five day faculty training program on Effective teaching and learning of digital electronics organized by NITW during 21st -25th March 2017
53.One day National workshop on Internet of Things-A Research Perspective organized by JNTUK during 18th March 2017
54.One week FDP on Smart Grid applications with emphasis to Embedded systems and Cyber security organized by JNTUK during 21st -25th Feb 2017
55.Three day FDP on Teaching kills in Engineering Mechanics organized by JNTUK during Feb 13th -15th 2017
56.One day National workshop on IPR and patent rights organized by Dept of PE/PCE courses,UCEK,JNTUK during 13Dec 2016
57.A One week workshop on”21st century teaching Methodologies.,FDP,during 24-28 Oct 2016
58.A one day workshop on Presentation Skills,FDP,16th sep 2016
59.A one day workshop on Research concepts and incubation ideas on IOT conducted by Dept of CSE.UCEK,JNTUK,3rd August 2016
60.A one week Workshop on VLSI Design using EDA Tools conducted by Dept of ECE.UCEK,JNTUK,20-24 July 2016
61.A two week Refresher Course on Research Methodologies conducted by Directorate Research and Development, JNTUK,Kakinada.1-05-2016 to 15-05-2016
62.A two week Refresher Course on “Intellectual property rights and patents” conducted by DirectorateResearch and Development, JNTUK,Kakinada.16-05-2016 to 30-05-2016
63.Three week Refresher course on “Soft Skills or Professional Excellence” conducted by UGC-HRDC,JNTUH ,30 Nov- 19Dec 2015
64.MCEP conducted by IIM, Lucknow,5-9 Oct,2015
65.Two day national workshop on Advanced Micro controllers with ARduino(NW-AMC 2015) conducted byDept of ECE.UCEK,JNTUK23-24 July 2015
66.Complementary seminar on MATLAB and Simulink for Engineering Education conducted by Mathworks15 July 2015
67.Four week Orientation course conducted by ASC-HRDC,AU,Visakhapatnam,April-May 2015
68. Two day national workshop on ASIP-2014 conducted by Dept of ECE.UCEK,JNTUK April,2014.
69.One day workshop on teaching communication skills conducted byJNTUK,March ,2014
70. Orientation course-Pedagogical training on Core module conducted by ESCI, Hyderabad 20-25,Jan 2014
71.A two day national workshop on Advances in signal processing conducted byAndhra University ,30-08-13 &31-08-13
72.One day workshop for awareness on NPTEL conducted by JNTUK,18-07-2013
73.A two day orientation program for faculty conducted by Directorate faculty development and indo US collaboration for engineering education(IUCEE),13-07-13 &14-07-13
74.One day work shop on abuse against sexual harassment on women at educational institutions conducted by AICTE,at Andhra university,12-07-2013
75.Two day National workshop on Communications and Signal and Image Processing(COSIP-2013) , conducted by Department of ECE, UCEV,JNTUK,Kakinada.28th - 29th June 2013
76.Two day national workshop on Advanced VLSI Technology(NW-AVLSIT2013) conducted by Dept of ECE.UCEK,JNTUK,26-27, April,2013
77.Two day National workshop on Communications and Signal Processing conducted by Department of ECE, UCEV,JNTUK,12th - 13th April 2013
78.Two day National workshop on VLSI conducted by Department of ECE, JNTUV, Vizianagaram,28th - 29th June 2013
79. A two week Audit Course on Research Methodologies conducted by Directorate Research and Development, JNTUK,Kakinada,1-05-2013 to 15-05-2013
80.A two week Audit Course on “Intellectual property rights and patents” conducted by Directorate Research and Development, JNTUK,Kakinada.16-05-2013 to 30-05-2013
81.One day workshop on “Outcome based learning. conducted by JNTUK
82.One day seminar on MATLAB, conducted by Math works
83.A Five day National level workshop on Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Department of Mechanical Engineering, conducted by GVPCOE, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam
84.One day National workshop conducted by Falcon
85.Two day National workshop advanced Signal Processing conducted by Department of ECE, GVPCOEW, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam.2nd - 4th July 2011 .
86.Two day National workshop ‘advanced Signal Processing –Embedded Systems’ conducted by Department of ECE, VSEZ, Duvvada, Visakhapatnam. held on 24th & 25th Dec 2010
87.Two day National workshop on MATLAB Applications in Engineering (MATE-2010), conducted byDepartment of ECE, VITS, Sontyam, Visakhapatnam Faculty Development Program (FDP-2010) held on 20th & 21st Nov 2010
88.Workshop on Engineering Problem Solving Using MATLAB conducted by G. V. P. College of Engg, Visakhapatnam 18-20,Feb 2008
89.Two day National workshop on Latest Technologies in Electronics and Communications G. V. P. College of Engg, Visakhapatnam,14-15, Feb,2008
90.Workshop on Latest technologies on Electronic communication(WOLTEC-08) conducted by MVGR , VIZIANAGARAM,2008
91.Workshop on electromagnetic(WE-07) conducted by ANITS, Visakhapatnam,2007
Workshops/Conferences Organized:1.National level student symposium ESPARX-2020 organized by JNTUK during 22-02-2020 to 23-02-2020
2.One day Workshop on Quality enhancement, Assessment and Accreditation of Engineering colleges organized by JNTUK on 11-11-19
3. Three day FDP on Advances in Electromechanical Systems organized by UCEK in collaboration with CET Bhubaneswar at CET during 29-31 August 2019
4.Two day National level Conference NC-VSPICE-2K18 organized by ECE Department, JNTUK during 18-19 July 2018
5.One Week Training Program On Python organized by ECE Department, JNTUK during 6-11 July 2018
6.A two day national level Conference NC-VSPICE-2K15 organized by ECE Department, JNTUK during 6- November 2015.
7. A two day national level Work shop ASIP-14 organized by ECE Department, JNTUK during 25-26 April 2014
8.National level student symposium ESPARX-2015 organized by JNTUK during 28-02-15 to 01-03-2015
Book Chapters/Books Authored:1.Book Chapter “Narrow Band Spectrum Sensing of Cognitive Radio for Wireless Services” Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies,  ISBN: DOI 978-981-15-9647-6,,June 2021, 58, pp. 1011–1020
2.Book Chapter “Adiabatic Logic-Based Area- and Energy-Efficient Full Adder Design”, Lecture Notes on Intelligent Computing in Control and Communication, ISBN: DOI 978-981-15-8439-8_10, 2021, 58, pp. 117–126
3.B.LeelaKumari,”Analysis of Optimisation techniques in Wireless Communications "ISBN 978-613-9-44863-0
4.B.LeelaKumari and K.Padma Raju,” "Optimization Techniques of Viterbi Algorithm", with the project number 52857, and ISBN 978-3-659-11779-4,May-2011.
5.B.LeelaKumari and K.Padma Raju,” "Application of Nonlinear Estimators for Space Vehicle Tracking”, and ISBN 978-3-659-95326-2 Sep-2016.
1.Suresh.Y and Leela.Kumari. B, “ A Mixture of Automated and Manual Vehicles in Traffic Adaptive Control”, 3rd International Conference Social Science, Management and Technology in Covid Era Organised by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association Aug 2022.
2.Sannihitha Peetala and Dr. B Leela kumari, “DETECTION OF LEUKEMIA &ITS STAGING USING IMAGE PROCESSING; ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Multidisciplinary Research Organized By Indian Academicians And Researchers Association on July 17th 2022.
3.Madireddy Veera Lakshmi and Dr. B Leela kumari, “UNDER WATER WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS”,2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Multidisciplinary Research Organized By Indian Academicians And Researchers Association on July 17th 2022.
4.Surya Kanthi Neelamsetty , Leela kumari Balivada, “ Low area Digital Front-End for single lead ECG Acquisition integrated with TDC ”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical.Electronics,Communication,Computer Technologies and optimization techniques(ICEECCOT-2021) is sponsored by AICTE and conducted at GSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for women, Mysore,, Tamil Nadu, India during , December 2021
5.Leela kumari Balivada, Tarun Prasad “Energy efficient 5G small cell cellular network using Swarm Optimization technique”, International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Green Computing (ICMIGC’21) is sponsored by AICTE and conducted at KIT-Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India during 10 – 11, December 2021
6.Krishna saladi and Leela Kumari B, “Adiabatic Logic-Based Area and Energy-Efficient Full Adder Design” International conference on Intelligent Computing in Control and Communication (ICCC 2020), August 7-8, 2020
7.TVNL Aswini,K.Padma Raju,B. Leela Kumari, “Narrow band Spectrum Sensing of Cognitive Radio for wireless services”, 3rd International Conference onComputer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2020),ISBN 978-981-15-9647-6, July 2020.
8.Deepika.K,Leela Kumari.B Implementation and detection of carcinoma in statistical approach using various segmentation techniques  3rdInternational conference on latest advancements and future trends in engineering,Science and management, ISBN:978-81-941721-6-115 sep 2019
9.NVSS RamyaiJyothi, Dr.B.LeelaKumari, “Optimization of cooperative models in cognitive networks using Genetic Algorithm”, International conference on Emerging trends in engineering,Science and Technology(ICESC-19) ISBN: 9788192958018, 18 August , 2019
10.Anusha.K,Leela Kumari.B , “Performance Analysys of channel allocation protocols for CR”, Springer conference ICIECE-2019, Organized by Dept.of ECE Gurunanak instituons Hyderabad, 02 - 03 August , 2019
11.Bala sri Satakarni, ,Leela Kumari.B , “Performance Analysys of Pitch period tracking using Modified Particle Filter”, International conference on Electrical AND Electronics Engineering(ICEEE) held at New Delhi,India on 14th July 2019
12.Sowmya Gopi, Anusha Garapati, Satya Vara Prasad Kotipalli, B. LeelaKumari, “Performance Analysys of Ant Colony and Simulated Anneling Optimisation in Cellular and Mobile Communications, ICNTET,IEEE Conference GRJ Institute of Science and Tecchnology,Chennai,Tamilnadu , 978-1-5386-5629-7.Sep 7-8, 2018.
13.Deekshit Baswa,,B. LeelaKumari, “Estimation of sea surface parameters using GNSS reflected signals”, Icrjeece IEEE conference,Bhubaneswar,July-27-28, 2018, 978-1-5386-5994-6.
14.Surekha,B. LeelaKumari, “Performance analysis of Unscented Kalman Filter using Fuzzy Logic for tracking Applications”, ICAEECE 08 oct 2017 IRAJ,Visakhapatnam, pp-53-57,9788192958060.
15.D,Naveen Kumar, B. LeelaKumari , Performance analysis of Estimators using PSO for multi target tracking pp- 3204-3208, ICRITO IEEE conference , 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE Sep 20-22 2017
16.Vallem Haicharan and B. Leela Kumari, Ïmplementation and Analysys of Sign Extension and Baughwooley Multiplier in ANT Architecture”,ITAR international Conference Kakinada, ISBN:9788192958050.
17.Hemanth Kumar Motamarri and B. Leela Kumari, “Generationof On-Chip Functional Tests With Reduced Delay and Power”, IEEE International Conference OF Electrical ,Electronics ,computerScience ,Mathematics,Physical Education and Management(ICEECMPE) held at 2ND OCT 2016 Banglore. (IRAJ RESEARCH FORU).
18.Shaik Khashirunnisa, B. Keerti Chand and B. Leela Kumari “ Performance AnalysiS of Kalman Filter, Fuzzy Kalman filter and Wind driven optimized Kalman filter for Tracking Applications” IEEE International Conference ,GLA University,Mathura,U.P.
19.B. Keerti Chand ,Shaik Khashirunnisa , and B. Leela Kumari “Performance Analysis of Kalman Filterwith Particle Swarm Optimisation and Fuzzy Logic” IEEE International Conference (ICEEOT-2016), Chennai,ISBN:978-1-4673-9939-5/16/31.00$@2016 IEEE.
20.V. YasaswiDivya and B. LeelaKumari, “Performance Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter for Single and Multi Target Tracking”, INCEMIC-2015, ISBN: 81-963575-2-2, pp 53-57, Andhra University, August 2015.
21.V. YasaswiDivya and B. LeelaKumari, “Performance Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization – A Review” ICRTRICSE-2K15, Andhra University, June 2015.
22.K. Surendra and B. LeelaKumari, “Performance of Submarine depth control with FLC Controller for using LabView”, IRF International Conference, paper ID: IR-IACEECEHYBD-26104-003, Bangalore 2014.
23.B. LeelaKumari, S. Koteswara Rao and K. Padma Raju, “Simplified Target location Estimation for under water vehicles”, accepted for IEEE 12th International Symposium SYMPOL October 2013.
24.K. Sowjanya and B. LeelaKumari, “Design and Performance Analysis of 32-bit and 64-bit FFT Using Radix-2 Algorithm”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (AECE-ICEECE-2013) by Association of Electronics and Computer Engineers, at Tirupati, July 2013.
25.B. LeelaKumari and K.Padma Raju, “Application of IMM filters for tracking applications”, International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing -4G networks, Jan 22-23, 2011.
26.B. LeelaKumari and K. Padma Raju, “Anderson approach for optimization of state estimation computational efforts”, International conference MIPSCCON- 07th April to 09th 2011.
27.B. LeelaKumari, “Unscented Kalman filter analysis”, International Conference RAMSA2009 at GVP College of Engineering ,Visakhapatnam, December19th – 22nd 2009.
1.B. Leela Kumari, “Performance Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter using PSO for Single Target Tracking”, NCVSPICE 2K18,July 2018, 978-93-85100-99-4.
2.TVNL Aswini,K.Padma Raju,B. Leela Kumari, “Alternative form of energy Detection for improvement in spectrum sensing of Cognitive Radios”, NCVSPICE 2K18,July 2018, 978-93-85100-99-4.
3.K.Teja, B. Leela Kumari, “Performance Analysis of locolisation models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, NCVSPICE 2K18,July 2018, 978-93-85100-99-4.
4.D.Naveen Kumar,T.V.Ramana, B.Leela Kumari, “Performance analysis of IMM with optimization techniques-a review, RABSIVP-2K17,24-25 Feb 2017.
5.B. Leela Kumari, B. Keerti Chand and Shaik Khashirunnisa “Analysis of stochastic estimators using various optimisation techniques-A Survey” National ConferenceNCVSPICE-2K15, ISBN:978-93-5235-967-7, JNTU, Kakinada, Andhrapradesh, pp- Nov 2015.
6.V.Govind and B. Leela Kumari “Speech intelligibility evolution of codecs in high noise environment” National Conference NCVSPICE-2K15, ISBN:978-93-5235-967-7, JNTU University, Kakinada, Andhrapradesh,pp- Nov 2015.
7.B. Leela Kumari, K.Geethika Praneetha and K. Padma Raju, “A new approach of Particle filtering for better accuracy and easy computation”, National Conference NCVSPICE-2K15, ISBN:978-93-5235-967-7,JNTU, Kakinada, Andhrapradesh,pp- Nov 2015.
8.N.Kavya Sri and B. Leela Kumari, “Comparative analysis for wide fan in high speed domino OR circuit”, National Conference NCVSPICE-2K15, ISBN:978-93-5235-967-7, JNTU University, Kakinada, Andhrapradesh, pp- Nov 2015.
9.Ahamadunnisa and B. Leela Kumari,” Performance analysis of I2Cmaster bus controller”, National Conference NCVSPICE-2K15, ISBN:978-93-5235-967-7, JNTU, Kakinada, Andhrapradesh,pp- Nov 2015.
10.Tanuja and B. Leela Kumari, “Performance analysis of saliency detection mehods using DWT & SWT( pp 30-33)” on RF Wireless communcaon & Signal Pocessing NCRFWSP(17-18 Nov-2014).
11.Asha and B. Leela Kumari, “Performance analysis of 2-D Signal using MMSE Algorithm(pp 26-29)” on RF Wireless communcaon & Signal Pocessing NCRFWSP(17-18 Nov-2014).
12.Krishna Kumar and B. Leela Kumari,” Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code “,National Conference on Emerging trends in communications, JNTU University,Kakinada,Andhrapradesh.
13.B. Leela Kumari and K. Padma Raju,” Performance Analysis of Kalman-Based Filters and Particle Filters For A Free Falling Body Towards Earth” , Accepted for National confernce conducted by Amrutha university,April 2013.
14.B. Leela Kumari, K.Padma Raju and Srinu , “ Analysis of State space Estimation Approach for Land Vehicle tracking”, National Conference on Biomedical instrumentation (NC ’12) , GITAM University ,Visakhapatnam,Andhrapradesh, India ,August 2012.
15.B.Leela Kumari and K.Padma Raju,” Analysis of State space Estimation Approaches Using Kalman Filters”, National Conference on Mathematical modeling in Global Perspective(NCMMGP’11),Velammal Engineering College ,Chennai,Tamilnadu, India ,April 2011.
16.B.Leela Kumari and K.Padma Raju, “Analysis of Particle filtering methods for Dynamic state space models”, National Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Dynamical systems,Karunya University,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu, India, 4 th and 5 th Jan 2011.
17.B.Leela Kumari and K.Padma Raju, “Analysis of Particle filtering methods for nonlinear models” ,National Conference on advances in communication Technologies (NACAT-2010),GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,India, 3rd and 4th December, 2010.
18.B.Leela Kumari and K.Padma Raju, "Analysis of state space Estimation models for Linear and Nonlinear systems”, National Conference on Recent Advances in DSP, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Image processing, Communication and Electronics Engineering, (DEVICE–2010) ,ANITS College of Engineering, SangivalasaVisakhapatnam, India, pp. 80-85. 13th November to 14th November, 2010.
Session Chair/Keynote Speaker/Guest Lecture:1.Gate Online Classes on Digital Communications during 11-06-2020 to 22-06-2020 organized by Ministry of Education in collaboration with APSCHE, JNTUA,JNTUK and Yogivemana Universities
2.Invited Lecture on MATLAB workshop during 22-02-2020 to 23-02-2020 ,ESPARX 2020 organized by UCEK,JNTUK
3.Invited Lecture on Over View on Implementation of Final Year Projects and Technical seminars 23-11-19 organized by GVPCOEW.
4.Invited Lecture on Bio medical signal analysis-Processing ,2 Week FDP on Bio medical Signal Processing and Applications during 1-14 Nov 2019 organized by Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering
5.Invited Lecture on Signals and Systems-Analysis,in a Workshop on Signals and Systems during 25th September 2019 organized by BVCE(A) Odalarevu
6.Invited Lecture on MEMS and its applications in a 3 day FDP on Advances in Electromechanical Systems during 29-31 August 2019 organized by UCEK in collaboration with CET Bhubaneswar at CET
7.Invited Lecture on FDP on Signals and Systems ,FDP during 8-5-19 to 14-05-19 organized by JNTUK
8.Guest lecture on Advances in Communications during 20 July 2018 organized by UCEK,JNTUK
9.Guest lecture on Advances in Signals and Systems during July-2018 organized by Pragati Enghineering College
10.Guest lecture on Research oriented talk during31 March 2018 organized by CBIT,Hyderabad
11.Guest lecture on Adaptive Filters- State Space estimation models,during23-24 March 2018 organized by CET Bhubaneswar
12.Guest lecture on Smart grid Communications in One week FDP on Smart Grid applications with emphasis to Embedded systems and Cyber security during 21st -25th Feb 2017 organized by JNTUK
13.Guest lecture on Fundamentals and recent advances in state space model estimations for trackng applications,CEP during16 march 2015 organized by DLRL
14.Guest lecture on Probability and stochastic Processes during 2007 organized by Avanti college of Engineering,Narsipatnam
15.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2020,22 -23 Feb 2020,JNTUK
16.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2K19.8-9 March 2019,JNTUK.
17.Session Chair,NCVSPICE-2K18,18-19, July 2018,ECE Department, UCEK, JNTUK,KAKNADA
18.Session Char for Paper presentation,EJIVE 2K18,7-3-2018,Pragati College of Engineering
19.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2K18,24 -25 Feb 2018,JNTUK
20.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2K17,18 -19 Feb 2017,JNTUK
21.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2K16,27 -28 Feb 2017,JNTUK
22.Session Chair,NCVSPICE-2K15,6-7,2015,ECE Department, UCEK, JNTUK, KAKNADA.
23.Session Char for Paper presentation,ESPARX 2K15,28 Feb& 1 Mach 2015,JNTUK
24.session chair,Horizon 2k15,4-5 March 2015,BVC Batlapalem,2015.
R&D Projects:Worked as a mentor State Govt. of A.P Project, "Developing Android Application for the functioning of Raithu Bazar ( IOS(Apple) platform)"
Ph.D Scholars guided:One
PG Scholars guided :36
Memberships in Professional bodies:Fellow Member IETE(F235367)
Elected as E.C.Member IETE
Positions held :1.Currently working as Additional Controller of Examinations.
2.Currently working as Departmental women Coordinator under DEWG.
3.Worked as Associate Nodal officer to look after the academic activities in RUSA project monitoring team during February 2020 to October 2021 at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada from October 2016 to March 2017.
4.Worked as Officer In-charge of Academic Section at JNTU College of Engineering, from September 2015 to November 2018.
Honors & Awards:1.Teaching and research excellence award by Queen’s of Era Awards-2022 by ICSRR.
2.Best Paper Award in NCVSPICE 2K18, for paper entitled Performance Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter using PSO for Single Target Tracking.
3. Awarded “outstanding women in engineering” by VIWA2017 AWARDS,
4.Awarded “Best Teacher Award” in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, UCEK, JNTUK, Kakinada, based on student evaluation for the year 2016.
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